Create a new project in Adobe illustrator

For each design we perform, a project needs to be defined. And a new project needs to have specifications like, size of work, output type, etc.
Adobe Illustrator is one of our ????
favorites when it comes to design a logo, create an object from the scratch, make a typography, and many other projects that need art.
To create an art design in Adobe Illustrator we need to create a new project and set the preliminary specifications. In this video we learn the very first step on how to create a new project in Illustrator.
Day to Night technique in Adobe Photoshop

It is not easy to take a perfect image at nights usually, but what if I can tell you, we can change an image captured in the day as if it has been captured at night!
In this video we use some simple effects using “Adjustment Layer” in Adobe Photoshop to change the lights and brightness of an image taken in the day to a night mode.
Curve effect for 32-bit images in Adobe Photoshop

Although the quality of images is increasing since, the technology of cameras are improving, still the functionality of a camera is far different from a camera and that’s why we can see more ranges of lightness and darkness than a camera can capture. In 32-bit images more variety ranges of light are captured.
Curve effect for 32-bit images is a new feature added in Adobe Photoshop 2020 version and later, by using this feature we can edit different ranges of light in a 32-bit images. It also helps us to edit different part of a 32-bit image linearly and real-time.
Remove Objects with patch Tool in Adobe Photoshop

There are many times that an extra/ unwanted object in an image makes the whole picture useless.
It is not always easy to find the subject we want to capture alone; some extra object might be around and captured along with the subject.
But don’t you worry! Patch tool in Photoshop comes to help. We can easily in some small steps remove extra objects from an image using this simple tool.
Refine Edge technique in Adobe Photoshop

There are many tools in photoshop for selection, but, when it comes to select and take out the hair part of an image, there are limited options to use as a good tool to select and take out/ move the hair of your image (it is even harder for curly hair). Selecting hair in an image is usually a time consuming and tough job to do!
However, using the “Mask” can help us doing this difficult job much easier as a piece of cake.
In this video we learn how we can use “refine edge” tool and use the mask technique to select and image with its hair in a minute.
Cold and Icy technique in Adobe Photoshop

One of the very attractive environments for photographers is the frozen, icy, and cold places. They wait months for the season to arrive and then they might wear warm clothes, travel to a cold and freezing place and enjoy the cold weather and wait for few hours in the cold to take the icy, winter shot they want.
In Adobe Photoshop however, with some few clicks, in less than a minute we can make an icy, frozen and cold atmosphere for images we have!
Transform technique in Adobe Illustrator

There are many shapes in the images we see everyday that attract us or pop up a question in our mind how these shapes have been created. You might see these types of shapes in an image or a painting or a graffiti on the wall when you walk on the street…
You might wonder how they are created or if you can also make one!
In this video as a part of our “one minute learning” series we cover the answer on how to design creative shapes using transform effect in Illustrator.
Double exposure technique in Adobe Photoshop

Double exposure is a technique in photography and image/video editing which is a combination of two exposures in one image. This technique brings interesting effects to the images that we use to combine in one image, in a way that combination of images makes a new story without losing the story behind each image.