Create a new project in Adobe illustrator

For each design we perform, a project needs to be defined. And a new project needs to have specifications like, size of work, output type, etc. Adobe Illustrator is one of our 🍒  favorites when it comes to design a logo, create an object from the scratch, make a typography, and many other projects that need art. To create an art design in Adobe Illustrator we need to create a new project and set the preliminary specifications. In this video we learn the very first step on how to create a new project in Illustrator.


  1. Open Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Press Ctrl+N on the key board if you are using Windows, and if you’re using a Mac press Command+N.
  3. Name your project.
  4. Set the measurement units.
  5. Set the bleedings (this the cut margins).
  6. Select the color mode (RGB for digital art works and CMYK for print).
  7. Set the raster effect (image resolution).

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